About Denise


Denise Canavan

After many years of event planning and tradeshow management in corporate America, I was suffering from burn-out. I needed a change…

My passion has always been travel. I had travelled extensively within the United States, the Caribbean, and Europe - and loved assisting others with their experiences. Some would say it was my calling. In 2005, my sister introduced me to Geocaching - and my husband and I would seek caches during our port visits while cruising. I loved the unique experiences the average tourist would not get to see or do that geocaching provided!

In 2011, I purchased my Cruise Planners/American Express travel franchise and spent many months educating myself on managing the business. There are MANY facets that go into operating a successful travel planning business - but I was determined to succeed! During one of the MANY training sessions I attended with industry experts in those first hectic months, it was recommended to concentrate on group travel.

I instantly had my “Eureka” moment: I was going to help people travel the world to discover Geocaches!

It merged two things that I really enjoyed doing - and I would be one of the few travel professionals in the world that truly understood how to create the perfect geocaching adventure! In 2012, Geocaching Adventures was born!

My success in building Geocaching Adventures lies in one fact: I am one of the few geocachers in the world that also happens to be a professional travel agency owner and advisor - and accompany almost all of my adventures! In short - I have the first-hand experience and worldwide network of contacts to ensure all of the intricate details of every vacation experience I plan for cachers and non-cachers alike is perfect!


Story time…
One of the first missions I undertook was to reach out to the #1 Geocacher in the World at the time - Alamogul. I asked nicely (insisted, really!) that he join us on our very 1st Geocaching Adventures trip to Bermuda. He was in- and has been on most of my Adventures since then, including Africa (pictured with me and Mrs. Alamogul)! His wife is not a cacher, but enjoys our adventures because of our exploration of the destinations we are visiting. We have become family - and I’m looking to many future Adventures with them!

Did you know…
In the last year, I've refined my Geocaching Adventures to focus on highlighting amazing destinations with a touch of geocaching. While we won't be cache-heavy on most of future journeys, you'll enjoy incredible places and a few special caches. Group sizes for the vast majority of our adventures will now be limited to 16 for a more intimate experience. Join us for unforgettable adventures! 😊

My caching name is Shizengiggles and I have a true confession: I have never been good at logging caches! To me, it’s too much like homework and I’m busy planning another Adventure! My numbers aren’t great, but if you look at my country souvenirs, you will see we’ve been around!

By the end of 2024, I will have personally visited over 70 countries by land and sea from my home base in southern New Hampshire! From the white-sand beaches of the Caribbean and scenic glacial landscapes of Alaska to the savannahs of Africa and vineyards of Europe - I have been blessed to experience a lot...and do it with hundreds of clients I consider family.

One final thought: some people prefer to collect “stuff” while I have always yearned to explore new destinations, experience new cultures, and acquire new memories! In fact, I travel on most of my own Geocaching Adventures! I hope you’ll join me soon…

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